On July 1st, we are excited to co-host a ground-breaking event with our friends PLASTIC LOVE! Documentary and Zero Waste Japan. This event, marking the beginning of Plastic Free July & the crowdfunding campaign launch for the documentary film PLASTIC LOVE!, will feature movers and shakers across sectors who are working to tackle the plastic crisis, including special guests Eric Kawabata from Loop Japan, and Sadao Harada from Project Hozugawa.

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EventsGuest User
Featured in Asahi Newspaper

mymizu was featured in Asahi Newspaper on June 25th.

The article covers our work to tackle Plastic Waste through a combination of technology and community building, and our quest to "take over the world" with free water.

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MediaGuest User
Meisei High School’s mymizu Challenge

Meisei High School’s mymizu challenge will be introduced by TBS TV “Asa-chan” on June 17th at 6:00AM.

Under the slogan “ MEISEI SDGs VISION~ Meisei connects the community and the world,” mymizu is working with this school to promote SDGs on their campus.

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EventsGuest User
100,000 PET Bottles Saved!

We have saved 100,000 PET bottles and counting on the mymizu app!

Almost two years ago we set out on a mission to create a more sustainable future by reducing single-use plastic consumption. This milestone is proof that everyone’s individual actions are powerful - this is collective impact.

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Business Insider Japan

Our co-founder, Mariko McTier was featured in Business Insider Japan's article Mariko talked about how she gained clarity about her career path, her journey to developing mymizu, and the female role model's she drew inspiration from.

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MediaGuest User
Official Partnership with Kameoka City

We are thrilled to announce an official partnership with Kameoka City in Kyoto Prefecture. Kameoka City announced their “Zero Plastic Waste Declaration” way back in 2018, and have been leaders in charging for single-use plastic bags, tackling single-use plastic waste, and going as far as to ban the distribution of plastic bags, starting this month.

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PartnershipsGuest User
KEEN Japan - Detox the Planet Month -

Don’t sunny days just make you want to go for a hike up a mountain or walk around the beach? At mymizu, taking our reusable bottles and wearing our favorite shoes or sandals is an absolute must! This month, our friends at KEEN Japan are holding a “Detox the Planet” month in which they are carrying out various initiatives throughout April to think about our planet and take action to do good!

As a part of this, 10% of all KEEN’s sales made today April 9 (Fri) through their official online and retail stores will be donated to mymizu to support our activities!

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mymizu Beach Clean is Back!

Our team held our first public beach clean event in a while at Katase Higashihama Beach on April 3rd.

At first glance, the beach seemed relatively clean, but as soon as we began, it became clear that there were lots of packaging, cigarette butts and other litter strewn across the beach. At the end, we collected 51.5kg worth of wast!.

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